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Jeffrey Campbell Mary Jane Wedges via Nordstrom's

....these are the perfect wedges for fall, great with tights!


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Shout Out: FORAGE Bow ties

There's nothing cuter than a man in a bow tie!  With that in mind, I'd like to introduce you to the pair that does bow ties the best - the artsy husband and wife who own dapper brand FORAGE. These little gems of handmade perfection come in an array of bright colors all in limited stock. Take a look!

Teal via Something's Hiding in Here

Plum via Something's Hiding in Here

Yellow and Blue via Something's Hiding in Here

They have the cutest packaging too:

Striped via The Curiosity Shoppe

Even BHLDN caught on and started carrying the silk versions of these beauties:

Silk Bow tie via BHLDN

And now FORAGE has started to carry handmade neckties in their signature plaids!

Plaid via Something's Hiding in Here

Now for the sexiest man in a bow tie - my husband!  It took us forever to find the perfect bow tie to fit his personality, but I think FORAGE nailed it for our wedding:

Photo courtesy of Jennica Jo Photography


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