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Things That Make Me Smile

I'm thinking of all the wonderful friends in my life getting married this summer and the hard work they are putting into their own weddings.  One of my friends has been posting the all the fruits of her artistic labor on Pinterest, and I think it's inspiring!  The crafts she has been working on are turning out wonderfully and I can't wait to see it all in the context of her June wedding!

It brings back memories of my pre-wedding crafting!  Unfortunately, I only have a couple of photos to share:

Gifts for my bridesmaids - all just as different as they are!

Size tags on flip-flops - for guests' tired feetsies!

The beginning of my love affair with printed tape - these drink flags.

And a quick picture I snapped of my bouquet (at 1am and still looking lush!), I was so in love with it:

Happy crafting Linds - and the rest of my friends getting married/throwing baby showers/hosting summer parties!  All the hard work pays off and translates into a true reflection of your cute and quirky personalities - I promise!


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  1. Your wedding was beautiful! I will be lucky if mine is as half as great as yours was!

  2. so says the kindest gal in the world! Yours is going to be inspirational with so many original ideas! I really respect your eco-friendly approach! Ugh...I cannot wait to go!
